Hallo girls! today I'm writing about one of my great passions: vintage. You know, I adore reusing old and forgotten things. I love them and think they have a soul..but most of people don't understand this thoughts. My friends would never fill their home with old and shabby things, they think it's odd..and that's why I prefer talking about it only with you, my dear blog readers. You can understand me!! Here is one of three hearts I made for a vintage jewelry and accessories shop. I was asked to use lots of old lace and here is the result. I used an oval-shaped lace for table and cut it in order to cover heart and have ruches and volants. I hand stitched almost everything. Quite long but satisfactory work. Even if my tastes are more minimal, I really love this vintage lace heart. and you? hugs!
25 febbraio 2010
Vintage lace heart
Ciao ragazze, oggi parliamo di un'altra mia passione: il vintage. Amo tutto ciò che è vecchio, usato, che abbia una storia, che per quanto umile, possa dare un'emozione. Putroppo nella vita di tutti i giorni sono in pochi a capire questo atteggiamento. Siccome di solito mi guardano come una molto strana, io evito accuratamente di parlarne con amici o conoscenti che non abbiano la stessa passione. Sbaglierò ma da sempre sono fatta così: non mi perdo nemmeno a spiegare, se credo di non essere capita..invece nel mio nido virtuale posso sfogarmi, perchè so che voi mi capite!! e non sapete quanto sia bello..grazie. Ma veniamo alla creazione di oggi: mi è stato chiesto di fare alcuni cuori vintage, ricchi di pizzo, per un negozio di alta bigiotteria e accessori vintage..questo è il più elaborato dei tre, l'ho ricavato da un vecchio centrino ovale, l'ho tagliato ripetutamente, seguendo le decorazioni concentriche, e l'ho sfruttato fino al millimetro. Da ciò che è avanzato ho ricavato ruches e volants. A parte il corpo del cuore, ho cucito tutto a mano, con pazienza e il risultato mi ha ripagato di ogni fatica. Sapete che sono più minimal nei gusti, ma amo anche i pizzi e, sebbene di mia spontanea volontà non avrei fatto un lavoro tanto "pieno", sono orgogliosa del risultato, mi piace tantissimo e spero che piacerà anche alle loro clienti.
Hallo girls! today I'm writing about one of my great passions: vintage. You know, I adore reusing old and forgotten things. I love them and think they have a soul..but most of people don't understand this thoughts. My friends would never fill their home with old and shabby things, they think it's odd..and that's why I prefer talking about it only with you, my dear blog readers. You can understand me!! Here is one of three hearts I made for a vintage jewelry and accessories shop. I was asked to use lots of old lace and here is the result. I used an oval-shaped lace for table and cut it in order to cover heart and have ruches and volants. I hand stitched almost everything. Quite long but satisfactory work. Even if my tastes are more minimal, I really love this vintage lace heart. and you? hugs!

Hallo girls! today I'm writing about one of my great passions: vintage. You know, I adore reusing old and forgotten things. I love them and think they have a soul..but most of people don't understand this thoughts. My friends would never fill their home with old and shabby things, they think it's odd..and that's why I prefer talking about it only with you, my dear blog readers. You can understand me!! Here is one of three hearts I made for a vintage jewelry and accessories shop. I was asked to use lots of old lace and here is the result. I used an oval-shaped lace for table and cut it in order to cover heart and have ruches and volants. I hand stitched almost everything. Quite long but satisfactory work. Even if my tastes are more minimal, I really love this vintage lace heart. and you? hugs!
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