Today I'm showing you a couple from...Norway, ok you're going to kill me some day. I'm kind of obsessed, I know! This was from a Tilda kit I bought at Panduro shop in Norway and that absolutely needed to be made for next Christmas. It's very nice but unfortunately I don't feel like it's mine. When you use kits the risk is no personal adds..which I don't like. Tilda kits are perfect, even thread and needles to sew..but I prefer my own fabrics and my imagination. However, they're beautiful and here are some pics, enjoy them!

Grazie per i commenti al precedente post..volete ridere? per sbaglio ( sono una casinista, anche se qualcuna non lo immagina) ho messo il copricuscino vintage in lavatrice coi bianchi a 60°..beh..i colori sono virati, ovvio con una temperatura così alta, però l'immagine ha retto benissimo. Dopo il dibattito del mio post la cosa cadeva troppo a fagiolo per non dirvela!!!
For transfer paper: I put my vintage pillow cover in washing machine at 60° for a mistake..colors changed a bit, but image is ok..since it happened during the previous post and comments I think it is funny to tell you!
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