...lavender mini-cushions..since people like things with lavender so much, I thought to create something new for my next market and was inspired by some cushions from a very old Tilda book, "Sommer i Tildas hage". I changed them by making an applique with my lavender shirt's pattern and I'm really happy with that. I also made one with the original Tilda flower and a few with a heart.
A proposito: vi piace il mio nuovo gallo? nuovo per modo di dire, scovato al mercatino..mi piace un sacco..molto genere nordico-zincato.
Do you like my new cock? I found it in my second-hand market and like it so much, because it seems rather nordic..
Ne ho fatti una trentina..finiti quai due settimane fa ma riempiti di lavanda e rifiniti solo ieri..quando faccio le cose a catena spesso rimando la finitura altrimenti mi viene davvero il voltastomaco!
I made thirty of them, at least two weeks ago, and, since I was fed up, I filled them with lavender only yesterday.
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