Ma già che c'ero perchè non farne di più? così alla fine ne ho fatti diciotto e mi uscivano dalle come mi piacciono!
I opened a confectioner's in my craft room..I'm joking but these felt cakes are so nice that they seem almost real to me. I sent eight of them as PIFs and I'm glad I honoured this commitment. But I made more..I made eighteen of them!
the light ones..
and the dark ones..

One for every taste..chocolate
vanilla and white chocolate..
These are the ones that are still here.

Che ne dite? Sarà che i dolci di stoffa e feltro mi fanno impazzire e sopratutto le giapponesi fanno delle cose incredibili..dovevo assolutamente provarci!
I love felt and fabric cakes and cookies..Japanese crafters create masterpieces..I had to make a try!
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