A few weeks ago I redecorated this chest, that I had painted ethno-style some years ago (you can see the picture of our previous home below). It took some days and efforts, but it looks great. Technique is always a shabby one with wax but it's a different one. After last coat of acrylic enamel (let it dry at least for two days) you paint it with dark wax and oil of turpentine. When dry, you rub it with steel wool 00 until you remove it. Surface will become as soft as velvet and as warm as amber. Wax will remain in mouldings and corners. Amazing and simple.

In realtà voglio aggiungere un dettaglio, ma dato che non ho ancora deciso bene, la posto oppure si fa Pasqua.. copricuscinone di mercatino..molto shabby.
I want to add a detail, but in the meantime I decided to show you... a flea market pillow-case..soo shabby

Questo era un angolo della nostra casa di Bergamo..un pò country e molto etnica..tutto per mostrarvi come avevo dipinto la cassapanca all'epoca. Bella, ma ora non centrava più nulla con il nuovo look che voglio dare alla nostra casa di transizione.
Nota bene: il muro di "finta" pietra lo aveva fatto il mio compagno tuttofare. I muri li avevamo dipinti noi di vari colori in tutta la casa.
This was a corner of our previous home, ethno style, you can see how the chest was. The wall was made by my fiancè. Walls painted by the both of us.
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